Sonno bianco
282 p. 16 €
Stefano Corbetta
A ball rolls and a family plunges in a silence made of anger, lies, guilt, isolation and resentment that grows over time. In the middle there is an accident with two victims, two eight-year-old twins: Bianca slips into a coma, Emma remains crippled. Nine years later, the former is in a vegetative state, in a “white sleep”, and seems to show mild signs of recovery, the latter has almost come of age, falls in love and gets an offer that wouldn’t want to refuse, but silence at home submerges her without ways of salvation. Only the father, in its own way, seems to be looking for them, for everyone. Stefano Corbetta portrays family drama without coming across as tearful or pathetic, with captivating suspense and without obvious happy endings.
By Alberto Sebastiani
Le coccinelle
non hanno paura
256 p. 14,90 €
Stefano Corbetta
Teo has a secret: he can photograph with his eyes and see those images again years later, still perfect. With his Nikon, all his life, he has portrayed the world. Thus he knows it well, photographs always hide a secret. But Teo’s world is not a perfect and immutable photograph, it wears itself out, and at speed, since Teo has now only few weeks to live. And so Luca, a jazz expert, never leaves his side, and nor does Elena, his partner who’s with child. Then there is Arianna that illuminates everything she touches, the young psychologist who will guide him in a journey chasing a mysterious man, to discover the hidden truth in a typescript emerged from a distant past, in an old black-and-white photograph. A novel about the little big opportunities that are given us in this life, about the choices we can make when we are out of time.

282 p. 14 €
Edited by: Francesco Borraso

Mosche contro vetro
246 p. 14,90 €
Edited by: Luca Raimondi
Preface: Paolo di Paolo
Lettere alla madre
160 p. 13,90 €
Edited by: Anna Cagno